We offer a range of business solutions which suit each phase in global business expansion.
We offer a range of business solutions which suit each phase in global business expansion.
FCG's services are not limited simply to providing formalistic and abstract advice; we also offer specific and detailed information, know-how and solutions based on highly specialised expertise and practical experience that only Certified Public Accountants from major audit firms and Certified Public Tax Accountants from National Tax Agency can provide.
FCG has introduced a system that can appropriately provide a team of specialists such as Certified Public Accountants and Certified Public Tax Accountants for each project based on client needs and provides financial and tax advisory services from diverse perspectives.
FCG has group companies locased in Hong Kong, China, Vietnam, Singapore, India, Taiwan, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines, Mexico, Australia, Germany, United States, Israel, New Zealand and Netherlands as well as high-quality business alliance partners in other major countries, and this enables FCG to control the projects and provide ”One-Stop service” to our clients.